Take Traditional Beauty To New Heights
Form and function have never been more skillfully melded than in Classic Tile stone-coated metal roofing tile. It’s built to turn away weather’s worst. The result: A roofing system that reaches new heights in performance, while showcasing the good looks of a true classic
Far More Durable Than Traditional Roofing Tile
Gerard stone coated steel metal roofing is designed and built to withstand the harshest of elements for a minimum of 50 years, guaranteed! Our metal roofing is made from 3/16 galvalume coated steel – the most workable and durable metal roofing material available. Combine this with our highly durable and generously poured-on acrylic base coating embedded with poured-on stone chips, and you have the most durable and attractive roofing material available. Unlike traditional barrel tile roofing Gerard’s Barrel Vault metal roof panels will never crack or or break, and you will save alot of money and time in cleaning and repairs! The classic looks of a Gerard Barrel Vault metal roofing system will stand the test of time, and always look beautiful. See how our metal roofing is built to last!
Consistently Looks Better Than Traditional Roofing Tile
Thanks to our wide color range and proprietary stone chip blending abilities, Gerard roofing tiles can mimic any traditional barrel tile color. Additional dimension is created using our proprietary coating technologies to add darker or lighter toned accents on each metal barrel tile. Not only will your Gerard Tile display more dimension and color than traditional concrete or clay tiles, it will continue to look better over time requiring the least amount of maintenance and upkeep. Unlike the traditional shingle and barrel roofing materials, our stamped metal roofing panels do not absorb moisture. Moisture creates mold, mildew and fungus which accelerates the breakdown of traditional roofing materials. To further enhance our galvalume steel panels we generously coat our panels under a fountain of high quality acrylic basecoat and poured on Stone Chip coatings made to withstand decades of all weather effects.